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DOI: 10.1160/TH10-09-0616
Long-term secondary prophylaxis in children, adolescents and young adults with von Willebrand disease
Results of a cohort studyPublication History
27 September 2010
Accepted after major revision:
10 February 2010
Publication Date:
28 November 2017 (online)

In patients with von Willebrand disease (VWD) replacement therapy with factor VIII/von Willebrand (VWF) concentrates is increasingly applied as prophylactic regimen. Since 2000, 82 consecutively enrolled patients with clinically relevant bleeding episodes (spontaneous, peri- or postoperative) were diagnosed with VWD [type 1: 42/82; type 2: 24/82; type 3: 13/82; acquired: 3/82]. In all patients, decision for initiating prophylaxis was based on a bleeding score > 2 prior to diagnosis, concomitant with recurrent bleeds associated with anaemia in patients with on-demand VWD therapy. We report results on secondary prophylactic VWF replacement therapy applied in 32 patients [children n=13; adolescents n=7; adults n=12] with VWD [type 1: 4; type 2: 15; type 3: 13], 15 of which were females, and nine of these at the reproductive period. Eight patients were treated with Humate P→ or Wilate→ (n=24). Median [min-max] dose [vWF:RCo] was 40 [20–47] IU/kg, 23 patients were given substitution therapy twice weekly, seven patients three times a week, and two children four times per week. Within a 12-month-period haemoglobin concentrations returned to normal values. Median duration of prophylaxis was three years. Recurrent bleeding episodes stopped in 31 of 32 patients, whereas inhibitors developed in one. Following a 12-month observation period the monthly bleeding frequency and the bleeding score was significantly reduced [3 vs. 0.07; 3 vs. 0: p< 0.001], compared to the preprophylaxis/pre-diagnostic values. The use of secondary prophylactic VWF replacement therapy is an effective tolerated treatment modality, highly beneficial for patients with VWD, who present with recurrent bleeding events during on-demand therapy.
von Willebrand Disease - children - young adults - long-term prophylaxis - inhibitor development* Present address: Head of the Coagulation & Hemostasis Unit, Institute of Clinical Chemistry, University Hospital Kiel & Lübeck, Kiel, Germany.
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