Background Endovenous laser ablation (EVLA) is globally counted among the most frequently administered methods to treat saphenous vein incompetence. Technical development proceeded in three particular steps: EVLA #1 – Diode lasers linearly emitting wavelengths from 810 to 980 nm through optical bare fibres; EVLA #2 – Diode or Nd:YAG lasers emitting wavelengths from 1064 to 1500 nm; EVLA #3 – Modified optical fibres warranting an optimised emission geometry by centralisation of the fibre tip (Tulip-fibre, Jacket-tip) or radial emission of the laser beam. Due to the number of different EVLA techniques their value compared with standard surgery (high ligation and stripping, HLS) and other endovascular approaches has to be questioned.
Methods Selective literature analysis based on a systematic PubMed search focussed on randomised controlled trials (RCT) comparing EVLA with HLS and other thermal or nonthermal ablation techniques – radiofrequency ablation (RFA), ultrasound guided foam sclerotherapy (UGFS), endothermal steam ablation (EStA).
Results The search terms “endovenous”, “laser”, “varicose vein” resulted in 509 publications, hereof 57 RCTs, hereof 24 randomised studies comparing EVLA with other treatment approaches: 15 studies comprise comparisons with standard surgery and further 9 studies with other endovenous techniques. 6 RCTs contain long-term followup data on EVLA #1 vs. HLS suggesting superiority of HLS in terms of same site clinical and duplex detected recurrence from the groin. 15 RCTs are reporting short-term results clearly demonstrating inferiority of EVLA #1 against EVLA #2, EVLA #3, and RFA with respect to postoperative complaints and patients’ quality of life.
Conclusions The first generation endovenous laser systems are disadvantageous or even harmful as compared with more advanced EVLA techniques and RFA in terms of patients’ complaints and side effects. Furthermore, evidence is rising that EVLA #1 is inferior to standard surgery regarding long-term treatment efficacy. Therefore, the application of EVLA #1 in the treatment of saphenous vein incompetence cannot be recommended any longer. In view of the more recently published RCTs reporting long-term superiority of standard surgery, HLS should still be implemented as control group in studies investigating endovenous treatment approaches.
Endovenous laser ablation - evidence - randomized controlled trial