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DOI: 10.3415/VCOT-07-10-0095
A biomechanical comparison of six different double loop configurations for use in the lateral fabella suture technique
Publication History
Received: 08 October 2007
Accepted 26 April 2007
Publication Date:
21 December 2017 (online)

Six different double loop configurations which could be applied to the lateral fabella suture (LFS) technique were subjected to in vitro mechanical testing. Three double loop, single strand and three double loop, double strand configurations were tested. The strongest configuration, with a significantly higher mean ultimate load and load at yield, was the interlocking loop configuration. This is a novel configuration which has not previously been reported. The three double loop, single strand configurations all had higher mean ultimate loads than the double loop, double strand configurations. The double strand group with uneven loop length performed very poorly, with significantly lower mean stiffness and ultimate load than all of the single strand groups. This group also developed unacceptably high levels of elongation during high level cyclic loading.
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