Objective: This case report describes the novel use of an intramedullary pin in an eight-month-old cat to repair malunion of a right transverse ilial fracture that was causing pelvic canal diameter narrowing and constipation.
Method: A routine, right femoral head and neck ostectomy was performed due to the presence of a femoral head fracture with apparent femoral neck necrosis. Significant callus formation around the ilial fracture was removed in order to achieve satisfactory fracture reduction. A 2 mm Steinmann pin was passed in a retrograde fashion from the acetabular fracture towards the ischial tuberosity, and following removal of the trochar tip and reduction of the fracture, was driven normo-grade to end in the cranial ilial wing. The pin was bent at the ischium following cutting in an attempt to prevent cranial migration.
Results: Radiographic examination showed good fracture alignment and increased pelvic diameter by 31% The cat regained normal limb function and the constipation resolved.
Clinical significance: A transilial pin was utilised successfully in a cat to realign and stabilise a simple transverse ilial fracture following femoral head and neck ostectomy. This technique has the potential to be useful for stabilisation of feline caudal ilial body fractures, but should not be used where there is articular surface involvement unless the coxofemoral joint is not preserved. Further studies are required to assess this technique.
Ilial - intramedullary - cat - fracture - Steinmann pin