Vet Comp Orthop Traumatol 2012; 25(03): 211-216
DOI: 10.3415/VCOT-11-05-0066
Original Research
Schattauer GmbH

Prevalence of incomplete ossification of the humeral condyle and other abnormalities of the elbow in English Springer Spaniels

A. P. Moores
1   Anderson Moores Veterinary Specialists, The Granary, Bunstead Barns, Poles Lane, Hursley, Winchester, Hampshire, UK
P. Agthe
1   Anderson Moores Veterinary Specialists, The Granary, Bunstead Barns, Poles Lane, Hursley, Winchester, Hampshire, UK
I. A. Schaafsma
1   Anderson Moores Veterinary Specialists, The Granary, Bunstead Barns, Poles Lane, Hursley, Winchester, Hampshire, UK
› Author Affiliations
Supported with a Clinical Research Grant from the British Veterinary Orthopaedic Association.
Further Information

Publication History

Received 02 May 2011

Accepted 27 January 2011

Publication Date:
19 December 2017 (online)

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Objectives: To determine the prevalence of incomplete ossification of the humeral condyle (IOHC) and other osseous abnormalities of the elbow in English Springer Spaniels with no history of lameness.

Methods: Prospective observational study of English Springer Spaniels with no recent history of lameness. Computed tomography scans of both elbows were obtained from dogs older than six months of age which were anaesthetized or sedated for reasons unrelated to this study. Computed tomography scans were reviewed for the presence of IOHC and other abnormalities of the elbow. Radioulnar incongruity (RUI) measurements from normal elbows were compared to elbows with IOHC and elbows with medial coronoid process (MCP) abnormalities.

Results: Computed tomography scans from 50 dogs (100 elbows) were reviewed. The prevalence of IOHC was 14% (8 elbows in 7 dogs). All condylar fissures were incomplete with a mean length of 2.6 mm. Fifty percent of the dogs (44% of elbows) had abnormalities of the medial coronoid process and 60% of the elbows had periarticular osteophytes. Group RUI meansurements for IOHC and MCP were not significantly different from normal elbows.

Clinical significance: Small IOHC fissures, periarticular osteophytes and MCP abnormalities may be identified in English Springer Spaniels without forelimb lameness. Abnormalities of the MCP are more common than IOHC.

Presented in part at the BVOA Spring Meeting, Birmingham, UK, March 2011.