Vet Comp Orthop Traumatol 2012; 25(06): 466-471
DOI: 10.3415/VCOT-11-10-0141
Original Research
Schattauer GmbH

In vitro mechanical evaluation and comparison of two crimping devices for securing monofilament nylon and multifilament polyethylene for use in extracapsular stabilization of the canine stifle

K. C. Maritato
1   MedVet Medical and Cancer Centers for Pets, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
M. D. Barnhart
2   MedVet Medical and Cancer Centers for Pets, Worthington, Ohio, USA
A. J. Kazanovicz
1   MedVet Medical and Cancer Centers for Pets, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
S. J. Naber
4   Statistical Consulting Service, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA
› Institutsangaben
This study was funded in part by Securos.
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Received 12. Oktober 2011

Accepted 02. Juni 2011

19. Dezember 2017 (online)

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Objective: To compare the tensile strength and stiffness of non-absorbable suture loops created with two types of crimping devices.

Methods: Loops of monofilament nylon leader line (MN) of 18 kg, 36 kg, and 45 kg multifilament polyethylene (MP) with a crimp and MP with a crimp and knot were mechanically tested to failure in quasistatic tensile loading after being created with either a wave pattern crimp device or three applications of a single crimp device. Each testing group consisted of five samples. Tensile loading to failure at a rate of 9.5 mm/s was used. Failure was defined as a sudden drop in the recorded force.

Results: All suture materials failed by breaking near the crimp tube with both crimp devices, with exception of the MP without knot, which slipped through the crimp tube using both devices. Sutures secured with the wave pattern crimping device were significantly stronger with a higher load yield, maximum load, displacement yield, failure displacement, and maximum displacement than the single crimp device. Loops of MP suture crimped by either device plus the addition of a surgeon's knot resulted in a significantly stronger construct than unknotted crimped MP constructs. Crimped MP combined with knot were significantly stiffer, but not stronger, than crimped 45 kg MN.

Clinical significance: Performing extra- capsular repair for ruptured cranial cruciate ligaments with the wave pattern crimp system may result in lower failure rates due to the construct being significantly stronger than the single crimp system.