CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 · Indian J Radiol Imaging 2014; 24(03): 254-258
DOI: 10.4103/0971-3026.137037
Recent Advances in MSK

Role of ultrasound in evaluation of peripheral nerves

Ashwin D Lawande
Dr. Joshi′s Imaging Clinic, 809, Harjivandas Estate, Dadar East, Hindu Colony, Dadar East, Mumbai, India
Sudhir S Warrier
Dr. Laud′s Clinic and Lilavati Hospital, Bandra, Mumbai, India
Mukund S Joshi
Dr. Joshi′s Imaging Clinic, 809, Harjivandas Estate, Dadar East, Hindu Colony, Dadar East, Mumbai, India
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Ultrasonography (USG) is an excellent cost-effective modality in imaging of peripheral nerves. With the newer high-frequency probes with different footprints which allow high-resolution imaging at relatively superficial location, USG can detect and evaluate traumatic, inflammatory, infective, neoplastic, and compressive pathologies of the peripheral nerves. This article describes the technique for evaluation of nerves by USG as well as the USG appearances of normal and diseased peripheral nerves.

Publication History

Article published online:
02 August 2021

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