CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 · Sleep Sci 2021; 14(S 01): 41-48
DOI: 10.5935/1984-0063.20200076

Effects of six weeks high-intensity interval training and resistance training in adults with obesity and sleep related breathing disorders

Khomkrip Longlalerng
1   Walailak University, School of Allied Health Science, Department of Physical Therapy - Thasala - Nakhon Si Thammarat - Thailand.
Anucha Nakeaw
1   Walailak University, School of Allied Health Science, Department of Physical Therapy - Thasala - Nakhon Si Thammarat - Thailand.
Asmu-e Charawae
1   Walailak University, School of Allied Health Science, Department of Physical Therapy - Thasala - Nakhon Si Thammarat - Thailand.
Powpachara Reantong
1   Walailak University, School of Allied Health Science, Department of Physical Therapy - Thasala - Nakhon Si Thammarat - Thailand.
Usamawee Prangyim
1   Walailak University, School of Allied Health Science, Department of Physical Therapy - Thasala - Nakhon Si Thammarat - Thailand.
Nutjaree Jeenduang
2   Walailak University, School of Allied Health Science, Department of Medical Technology - Thasala - Nakhon Si Thammarat - Thailand.
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Introduction: The effects of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) combined with resistance training (RT) in adults with obesity and sleep-related breathing disorders (SRBDs) is limited.

Objective: This study aimed to examine the effects of HIIT combined with RT on subjective sleep disorders in adults with obesity and SRBDs.

Material and Methods: This study was a pre- and post-test design. Seventeen adults with obesity and SRBDs were recruited into the study. They received 24 minutes of HIIT and 30 minutes of RT, 3 times/week for 6 weeks. The Epworth sleepiness scale (daytime sleepiness), Berlin questionnaire (snoring and daytime sleepiness category), estimated maximum oxygen consumption (VO2max), muscle strength using 1-repetition maximum, anthropometric variables, and blood biomarkers were examined at baseline and after 6 weeks of training.

Results: The Epworth sleepiness scale, Berlin questionnaire (daytime sleepiness category), and the number of risks associated with sleep apnea using the Berlin questionnaire were significantly decreased after 6 weeks of training (all p<0.01). The estimated VO2max and muscle strength were significantly increased at Week 6 (all p<0.05). Body weight, body mass index, % body fat, and hip circumference were significantly decreased at Week 6 (all p<0.05). No significant changes were observed in blood biomarkers, except for fasting blood glucose (p<0.01).

Conclusion: Six weeks of HIIT combined with RT has beneficial effects on subjective sleep disorders, estimated VO2max, muscle strength, and most anthropometric variables in adults with obesity and SRBDs.

Publication History

Received: 24 August 2020

Accepted: 23 November 2020

Article published online:
30 November 2023

© 2023. Brazilian Sleep Association. This is an open access article published by Thieme under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonDerivative-NonCommercial License, permitting copying and reproduction so long as the original work is given appropriate credit. Contents may not be used for commercial purposes, or adapted, remixed, transformed or built upon. (

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