Borba, Luis A. B. et al.: 2021 Microsurgical and Endoscopic Approaches to the Skull Base DOI: 10.1055/b-0041-182736
Section III Surgical Approaches to the Orbit

15 The Medial Endoscopic Approach to the Orbit

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Editors: Borba, Luis A. B.; de Oliveira, Jean G.

Authors: Ahmed, A. Karim; Almeida, Joao Paulo; Alzhrani, Gmaan A.; Aragón-Arreola, Jorge F.; Barbero, Juan Manuel Revuelta; Berumen, Enrique Lopez; Borghei-Ravazi, Hamid; Braga, Fernando Menezes; Burhan, Hira; Cabral, Gustavo Augusto Porto Sereno; Caffaratti, Guido; Campero, Alvaro; Cândido, Duarte N. C.; Carrau, Ricardo L.; Cassidy, Matthew; Castellanos, Alberto Manuel Ángeles; Catapano, Joshua S.; Ceccato, Guilherme Henrique Weiler; Centeno, Tomás Ries; Cerezo, Eugenio; Chakravarthi, Srikant; Chaudhary, Pramod; Cherian, Iype; Cohen, Alan R.; Colli, Benedicto Oscar; Couldwell, William T.; Dodson, Vincent; Eguiluz-Meléndez, Aldo G.; Elizalde, Ramiro López; Eloy, Jean Anderson; Felicio, Thiago Albonette; Felix, Vinod; Ferrarez, Carlos Eduardo Prata Fernandes; Ferreira, Mauro A. Tostes; Fernandez-Miranda, Juan C.; Filho, Miguel Giudicissi; Froelich, Sébastien; García, Martín Granados; Gardner, Paul A.; Gentili, Fred; Giacomelli, Richard; Goel, Atul; Gómez-Amador, Juan Luis; Gozal, Yair M.; Gondim, Guilherme Gozzoli Podolsky; Gusmão, Sebastião Nataniel Silva; Hanakita, Shunya; Hardesty, D. A.; Herrera, Daniel Londoño; Hsueh, Wayne D.; Joshi, Krishna C.; Jradi, Ahmed Al; Kadri, Paulo A. S.; Kafle, Prakash; Kalb, Samuel; Kalkmann, Gabriela F.; Kanaan, Imad N.; Karekezi, Claire; Kassam, Amin; Kovalev, Aleksandr Yurievich; Kshettry, Varun R.; Labidi, Moujahed; Landeiro, José Alberto; Lang, Michael J.; Lawton, Michael T.; Lem-Carrillo, Mónica; Liu, James K.; Longo-Calderón, Gabriel Mauricio; Lopez, Juan; Lovato, Renan M.; Majmundar, Neil; Marian-Magaña, Ricardo; Maluf, Felipe Bicalho; Martínez-Manrique, José de Jesús; Martins, Carolina; Martins, Warley; Markin, Egor S.; Méndez, Humberto Reyna; Monroy-Sosa, Alejandro; Mora, José Alfredo Espinosa; Mukherjee, Debraj; Munakomi, Sunil; Mura, Jorge; Nakaji, Peter; Narendrakumar, Veerasigamani; Nathal, Edgar; Nunes, Cristian Ferrareze; Oliveira, Marcelo Magaldi; Ortega-Porcayo, Luis Alberto; Otto, Bradley A.; Park, HunHo; Peres, Gabriel H.; Porras, Jose Luis; Prevedello, Daniel M.; Rassi, Marcio S.; Rassi-Neto, Aziz; Recinos, Pablo F.; Rehder, Roberta; Reis, Cassius Vinicius Correa dos; Reyes, Laura Matilde Ubaldo; Rhoton, Albert; Ribas, Eduardo Carvalhal; Ríos-Zermeño, Jorge; Rocha, Eder da Silva; Romano-Feinholz, Samuel; Ronconi, Daniel; Rosito, Diego Méndez; S., Vignesh; Sáenz, Amparo; Safarov, Aidar Kh.; Sagar, Soumya; Sanchez, Miguel M.; Shrestha, Sudeep; Silva, Izabel Eugênia Costa e; da Silveira, Roberto Leal; Snyderman, Carl H.; Socolovsky, Mariano; Spetzler, Robert F.; Sufianov, Rinat A.; Sufianov, Albert A.; Thingujam, Jagadish; Todeschini, Alexandre B.; Valença, Marcelo; Valencia-Ramos, Cristopher G.; Veiga, José Carlos Esteves; Vescan, Allan; Villalonga, Juan F.; Volovetz, Josephine; Wang, Eric W.; Watanabe, Kentaro; Wicks, Robert T.; Witterick, Ian; Yasuda, Alexandre; Zadeh, Gelareh; Zagzoog, Nirmeen; Zahrani, Abdulrahman Al; Zhao, Xiaochun; Zoli, M.

Title: Microsurgical and Endoscopic Approaches to the Skull Base

Subtitle: Anatomy, Tactics, and Techniques

Print ISBN: 9781626239661; Online ISBN: 9781684203772; Book DOI: 10.1055/b000000340

Subjects: Neurosurgery;Otorhinolaryngology, Phoniatrics, Audiology

Thieme Clinical Collections (English Language)

M. Zoli, Thiago Albonette Felicio, D. A. Hardesty, Bradley A. Otto, Ricardo L. Carrau, and Daniel M. Prevedello


Endoscopic endonasal resection of orbital intraconal retrobulbar lesions has gained popularity in last few years. In this region, knowledge of anatomy is paramount to orient and guide the surgeon. The aim of this chapter is to describe the anatomy of the orbit from the endoscopic endonasal perspective. Two surgical cases are reported to enlighten the advantages and limits of this approach. We also provided detailed description of the surgical technique, emphasizing the important anatomical landmarks with cadaveric dissection pictures.

At the end of the chapter, the reader will be able to select lesions that can be approach through this route, considering their location and relationship to key anatomical landmarks, thus maximizing its efficacy and reducing its morbidity.

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