Georgalas, Christos et al.: 2022 The Frontal Sinus DOI: 10.1055/b-0042-184538
Section V Controversial Topics in Current Practice

39 Balloon Technology in the Frontal Sinus: Useful or Gimmick

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Editors: Georgalas, Christos; Sama, Anshul

Authors: Abuzeid, Waleed M.; Adappa, Nithin D.; Ahmed, Shahzada; Alasousi, Fahad; Alobid, Isam; Al-Rasheed, Abdulaziz; Alt, Jeremiah A.; Avdeeva, Klementina; Banks, Catherine; Barnes, Martyn; Basak, Hazan; Batra, Pete S.; Battaglia, Paolo; Bernal-Sprekelsen, Manuel; Beton, Suha; Brand, Yves; Breedveld, Paul; Briner, Hans Rudolf; von Buchwald, Christian; Carrau, Ricardo L.; Carrie, Sean; Castelnuovo, Paolo; Chatzinakis, Vasileios; Chen, Philip A.; Chute, Deborah; Clarke, Caroline S.; Conley, David B.; Constable, James; Craig, John R.; Dadgostar, Anali; Dallan, Iacopo; DelGaudio, John M.; Diamantopoulos, Ioannis I.; Badawey, M Reda El; Eloy, Jean Anderson; Fakhri, Samer; Fastenberg, Judd H.; Fazio, Enrico; Felding, Ulrik A.; Fried, Marvin P.; Getz, Anne E.; Ghogomu, Nsangou; Gotlib, Tomasz; Gudis, David A.; Hadjihannas, Edward; Harvey, Richard J.; Herman, Philippe; Hettige, Roland; Hopkins, Claire; Husain, Qasim; Ioannidis, Dimitris; Jankowski, Roger; Javer, Amin; Jeyarajan, Hari; Kanumuri, Vivek V.; Karligkiotis, Apostolos; Kern, Robert C.; Khoueir, Nadim; Jankowski, Roger; Javer, Amin; Jeyarajan, Hari; Kanumuri, Vivek V.; Karligkiotis, Apostolos; Kern, Robert C.; Khoueir, Nadim; Maza, Guillermo; McHugh, Kelsey; Meço, Cem; Mencacci, Lodovica Cristofani; Morris, Stephen; Morrissey, David; Nair, Salil; Narayanan, Prepageran; Orlandi, Richard R.; Palmer, Charles F.; Palmer, James N.; Parasher, Arjun K.; Patel, Zara M.; Pfisterer, Michael J.; Philpott, Carl M.; Pietrobon, Giacomo; Polev, Georgiy A.; Prevedello, Daniel M.; Psaltis, Alkis J.; Ramakrishnan, Yujay; Rokade, Ashok; Roxbury, Christopher; Sacks, Raymond; Sansoni, E. Ritter; Santamaría-Gadea, Alfonso; Schlosser, Rodney J.; Seccia, Veronica; Sindwani, Raj; Smith, Kristine A.; Speleman, Kato; Subramaniam, Soma; Šurda, Pavol; Tajudeen, Bobby A.; Tan, Neil Cheng-Wen; Tang, Dennis; Tang, Ing Ping; Tarabichi, Osama; Tewfik, Marc A.; Tipirneni, Kiranya E.; Turri-Zanoni, Mario; Walters, Benjamin K.; Woodworth, Bradford A.; Wormald, Peter John; Youssef, Ahmed

Title: The Frontal Sinus

Subtitle: Surgical Approaches and Controversies

Print ISBN: 9783132400528; Online ISBN: 9783132437845; Book DOI: 10.1055/b-006-163737

Subjects: Otorhinolaryngology, Phoniatrics, Audiology

Thieme Clinical Collections (English Language)

Claire Hopkins and Roland Hettige


Since the inception of sinus ostial balloon dilatation in 2005, there has been a fivefold increase in the number of frontal sinus procedures in the United States, although the overall rates of sinus surgery remain relatively stable.

Most outcome studies using balloon techniques have selected patients with limited sinus disease without nasal polyps; in these groups, outcomes appear to be comparable to endoscopic sinus surgery (ESS) and the technique may facilitate surgery in an office setting without general anesthesia. The role of balloon dilatation in the presence of nasal polyps or more extensive sinus disease remains unclear.

There is no role for the use of the technology in the setting of a patient with a normal sinus computed tomography (CT) scan.

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