Georgalas, Christos et al.: 2022 The Frontal Sinus DOI: 10.1055/b-0042-184539
Section V Controversial Topics in Current Practice

40 Minimum versus Maximal Surgical Sinusotomy

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Editors: Georgalas, Christos; Sama, Anshul

Authors: Abuzeid, Waleed M.; Adappa, Nithin D.; Ahmed, Shahzada; Alasousi, Fahad; Alobid, Isam; Al-Rasheed, Abdulaziz; Alt, Jeremiah A.; Avdeeva, Klementina; Banks, Catherine; Barnes, Martyn; Basak, Hazan; Batra, Pete S.; Battaglia, Paolo; Bernal-Sprekelsen, Manuel; Beton, Suha; Brand, Yves; Breedveld, Paul; Briner, Hans Rudolf; von Buchwald, Christian; Carrau, Ricardo L.; Carrie, Sean; Castelnuovo, Paolo; Chatzinakis, Vasileios; Chen, Philip A.; Chute, Deborah; Clarke, Caroline S.; Conley, David B.; Constable, James; Craig, John R.; Dadgostar, Anali; Dallan, Iacopo; DelGaudio, John M.; Diamantopoulos, Ioannis I.; Badawey, M Reda El; Eloy, Jean Anderson; Fakhri, Samer; Fastenberg, Judd H.; Fazio, Enrico; Felding, Ulrik A.; Fried, Marvin P.; Getz, Anne E.; Ghogomu, Nsangou; Gotlib, Tomasz; Gudis, David A.; Hadjihannas, Edward; Harvey, Richard J.; Herman, Philippe; Hettige, Roland; Hopkins, Claire; Husain, Qasim; Ioannidis, Dimitris; Jankowski, Roger; Javer, Amin; Jeyarajan, Hari; Kanumuri, Vivek V.; Karligkiotis, Apostolos; Kern, Robert C.; Khoueir, Nadim; Jankowski, Roger; Javer, Amin; Jeyarajan, Hari; Kanumuri, Vivek V.; Karligkiotis, Apostolos; Kern, Robert C.; Khoueir, Nadim; Maza, Guillermo; McHugh, Kelsey; Meço, Cem; Mencacci, Lodovica Cristofani; Morris, Stephen; Morrissey, David; Nair, Salil; Narayanan, Prepageran; Orlandi, Richard R.; Palmer, Charles F.; Palmer, James N.; Parasher, Arjun K.; Patel, Zara M.; Pfisterer, Michael J.; Philpott, Carl M.; Pietrobon, Giacomo; Polev, Georgiy A.; Prevedello, Daniel M.; Psaltis, Alkis J.; Ramakrishnan, Yujay; Rokade, Ashok; Roxbury, Christopher; Sacks, Raymond; Sansoni, E. Ritter; Santamaría-Gadea, Alfonso; Schlosser, Rodney J.; Seccia, Veronica; Sindwani, Raj; Smith, Kristine A.; Speleman, Kato; Subramaniam, Soma; Šurda, Pavol; Tajudeen, Bobby A.; Tan, Neil Cheng-Wen; Tang, Dennis; Tang, Ing Ping; Tarabichi, Osama; Tewfik, Marc A.; Tipirneni, Kiranya E.; Turri-Zanoni, Mario; Walters, Benjamin K.; Woodworth, Bradford A.; Wormald, Peter John; Youssef, Ahmed

Title: The Frontal Sinus

Subtitle: Surgical Approaches and Controversies

Print ISBN: 9783132400528; Online ISBN: 9783132437845; Book DOI: 10.1055/b-006-163737

Subjects: Otorhinolaryngology, Phoniatrics, Audiology

Thieme Clinical Collections (English Language)

Anne E. Getz and Todd T. Kingdom


One of the first surgical challenges encountered after making a recommendation for endoscopic sinus surgery (ESS) is determining the extent of surgery. This is perhaps most true of the frontal sinus where underoperating can result in insufficient control of disease and persistent symptoms, while overoperating can result in unnecessary surgery, increase the risk of iatrogenic scarring, and place undue risk upon surrounding structures in an anatomically unforgiving location. This chapter reviews the evidence available for performing frontal sinus balloon sinuplasty, Draf I, IIa, IIb, and III frontal sinusotomies. It also presents controversies, opinions, and unanswered questions on the topic of extent of frontal sinus surgery.

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