Georgalas, Christos et al.: 2022 The Frontal Sinus DOI: 10.1055/b-0042-184542
Section V Controversial Topics in Current Practice

43 Anatomy and Classification of Frontoethmoidal Cells

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Editors: Georgalas, Christos; Sama, Anshul

Authors: Abuzeid, Waleed M.; Adappa, Nithin D.; Ahmed, Shahzada; Alasousi, Fahad; Alobid, Isam; Al-Rasheed, Abdulaziz; Alt, Jeremiah A.; Avdeeva, Klementina; Banks, Catherine; Barnes, Martyn; Basak, Hazan; Batra, Pete S.; Battaglia, Paolo; Bernal-Sprekelsen, Manuel; Beton, Suha; Brand, Yves; Breedveld, Paul; Briner, Hans Rudolf; von Buchwald, Christian; Carrau, Ricardo L.; Carrie, Sean; Castelnuovo, Paolo; Chatzinakis, Vasileios; Chen, Philip A.; Chute, Deborah; Clarke, Caroline S.; Conley, David B.; Constable, James; Craig, John R.; Dadgostar, Anali; Dallan, Iacopo; DelGaudio, John M.; Diamantopoulos, Ioannis I.; Badawey, M Reda El; Eloy, Jean Anderson; Fakhri, Samer; Fastenberg, Judd H.; Fazio, Enrico; Felding, Ulrik A.; Fried, Marvin P.; Getz, Anne E.; Ghogomu, Nsangou; Gotlib, Tomasz; Gudis, David A.; Hadjihannas, Edward; Harvey, Richard J.; Herman, Philippe; Hettige, Roland; Hopkins, Claire; Husain, Qasim; Ioannidis, Dimitris; Jankowski, Roger; Javer, Amin; Jeyarajan, Hari; Kanumuri, Vivek V.; Karligkiotis, Apostolos; Kern, Robert C.; Khoueir, Nadim; Jankowski, Roger; Javer, Amin; Jeyarajan, Hari; Kanumuri, Vivek V.; Karligkiotis, Apostolos; Kern, Robert C.; Khoueir, Nadim; Maza, Guillermo; McHugh, Kelsey; Meço, Cem; Mencacci, Lodovica Cristofani; Morris, Stephen; Morrissey, David; Nair, Salil; Narayanan, Prepageran; Orlandi, Richard R.; Palmer, Charles F.; Palmer, James N.; Parasher, Arjun K.; Patel, Zara M.; Pfisterer, Michael J.; Philpott, Carl M.; Pietrobon, Giacomo; Polev, Georgiy A.; Prevedello, Daniel M.; Psaltis, Alkis J.; Ramakrishnan, Yujay; Rokade, Ashok; Roxbury, Christopher; Sacks, Raymond; Sansoni, E. Ritter; Santamaría-Gadea, Alfonso; Schlosser, Rodney J.; Seccia, Veronica; Sindwani, Raj; Smith, Kristine A.; Speleman, Kato; Subramaniam, Soma; Šurda, Pavol; Tajudeen, Bobby A.; Tan, Neil Cheng-Wen; Tang, Dennis; Tang, Ing Ping; Tarabichi, Osama; Tewfik, Marc A.; Tipirneni, Kiranya E.; Turri-Zanoni, Mario; Walters, Benjamin K.; Woodworth, Bradford A.; Wormald, Peter John; Youssef, Ahmed

Title: The Frontal Sinus

Subtitle: Surgical Approaches and Controversies

Print ISBN: 9783132400528; Online ISBN: 9783132437845; Book DOI: 10.1055/b-006-163737

Subjects: Otorhinolaryngology, Phoniatrics, Audiology

Thieme Clinical Collections (English Language)

Tomasz Gotlib, Anshul Sama and Christos Georgalas


The complex anatomy of the frontal recess has always evaded classification: A number of attempts have been made to identify and name in a structured way the way in which the various cells, septa, and bony protrusions interact in the area of the anterior ethmoid, frontal beak, and frontal ostium in order to produce the frontal recess. In this chapter, we aim to provide a review of these attempts, from the earliest to the latest, and to suggest a more simple way, descriptive of naming these cells.

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