3 Hair Anatomy and Histology for the Hair Transplant Surgeon
Editors: Unger, Robin; Shapiro, Ronald
Title: Hair Transplantation
Print ISBN: 9781626236936; Online ISBN: 9781684202737; Book DOI: 10.1055/b000000335
6. Edition © 2023 Thieme. All rights reserved.
Thieme Medical Publishers, Inc., New York
Subjects: Plastic, Reconstructive and Cosmetic Surgery;Dermatology
Thieme Clinical Collections (English Language)
The hair transplant surgeon should know in detail the macro- and microscopic anatomy of the human follicular unit as well as the anatomy and histology of the terminal hair follicle. In this chapter, we provide a new anatomical view of the follicular unit, beginning with its classic anatomical description but incorporating the newest information. The description of the macroscopic images of hair follicles at different stages of the cycle may be very useful for surgeons and technicians performing microscopic follicular dissections. Finally, the location of the different stem cell niches in human follicles is shown, discussing current understanding of how these cells operate during the process of hair regeneration.
Key words
follicular unit anatomy - terminal hairs - vellus hairs - hair cycle - anagen - catagen - telogen - bulge - dermal papilla- 1 Meng J, Wyss AR. Multituberculate and other mammal hair recovered from Palaeogene excreta.. Nature 1997; 385 (6618) 712-714 PubMed
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