Unger, Robin et al.: 2023 Hair Transplantation DOI: 10.1055/b-0042-191746
Section V Follicular Unit Extraction Procedure

52B Follicular Unit Excision Terminology And Overview

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Editors: Unger, Robin; Shapiro, Ronald

Authors: Gupta, Aditya K.; McDonald, Adriane; Noreldin, Ahmed Adel; Bauman, Alan J.; Juliano, Alessandra; Abbasi, Ali; Dua, Aman; Christiano, Angela M.; O’Mara, Angela; Yong, Angeline Anning; Tosti, Antonella; Ruston, Antonio; Nusbaum, Aron G.; Poswal, Arvind; Shahmalak, Asim; Alp, Bayramoğlu; Nusbaum, Bernard P.; Farjo, Bessam; Feriduni, Bijan; Wolf, Bradley R.; Puig, Carlos J.; Varona, Christopher M.; Albertini, Conradin von; Ziering, Craig; Pathomvanich, Damkerng; Josephitis, David; Perez-Meza, David; Mangubat, E. Antonio; Ball, Edward A. M.; Poblet, Enrique; Eisenberg, Eric L.; Wang, Etienne C. E.; Rinaldi, Fabio; Jimenez, Francisco; Krenitsky, Gabriel H.; Williams, Greg; Abaci, Hasan Erbil; Radwanski, Henrique N.; Park, Jae Hyun; Hernandez, Irene; Harris, James A.; Vogel, James E.; Devroye, Jean; Irvine, Jeff; Epstein, Jeffrey; Cooley, Jerry E.; Shapiro, Jerry; Wong, Jerry; Kim, Jino; Jackow, Joanna; Cole, John; Dua, Kapil; Washenik, Ken; Williams, Ken; Erdogan, Koray; Sicco, Kristen Lo; Yagyu, Kuniyoshi; Bloch, Leila David; Santos, Leopoldo Duailibe; Avila, Lorena; Pontes, Luciana Takata; Khanna, Manoj; Avram, Marc R.; Pitchon, Marcelo; Crisóstomo, Márcio; Barusco, Marco N.; Sanseverino, Maria Angélica Muricy; Schambach, Marie A.; Unger, Mark; Speranzini, Mauro; Cole, Megan; Mayer, Melvin L.; Beehner, Michael L.; Neff, Mike; Mohmand, Mohammad H.; Ahmad, Muhammad; Rogers, Nicole E.; Large, Nicole; Farjo, Nilofer; Otberg, Nina; Desai, Nirav V.; Mohebi, Parsa; Frechet, Patrick; Mwamba, Patrick; Shapiro, Paul; Rose, Paul T.; Tesauro, Piero; Kinler, Rae Lynne P.; Rabbani, Ramin; Konior, Raymond J.; Kothottil, Renu; Lemos, Ricardo Gomes de; Mejia, Ricardo; Shiell, Richard C.; Finney, Robert; True, Robert H; Dorin, Robert J.; Haber, Robert S.; Unger, Robin; Shapiro, Ronald; Adajar, Ruel A.; Knudsen, Russell G.; Nadimi, Sahar; Lam, Samuel M.; Vasa, Sanjeev; Tovar, Sara Lea Salas; MD, Sara Wasserbauer; Boden, Scott A.; Keene, Sharon A.; Abbasi, Sheida; Kabaker, Sheldon S.; Kobren, Spencer David; Gabel, Steven; Hwang, Sungjoo “Tommy”; Nakatsui, Thomas C.; Carman, Timothy; Lardner, Tina; Elliott, Vance W.; Mysore, Venkataram; Unger, Walter P.; Rassman, William; Doucet, Yanne S.; MD, Young-Ran Lee; Guo, Zongyou

Title: Hair Transplantation

Print ISBN: 9781626236936; Online ISBN: 9781684202737; Book DOI: 10.1055/b000000335

Subjects: Plastic, Reconstructive and Cosmetic Surgery;Dermatology

Thieme Clinical Collections (English Language)

Aditya K. Gupta and Robert H. True


In 2013, the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS) committee on FUE terminology established the standard terminology for the practice of follicular unit excision (FUE; formerly known as follicular unit extraction). Since their publication, this terminology has become standard among hair restoration surgeons worldwide. The terminology provides clear definitions of various techniques, steps of FUE, graft quality and patterns of injury, and ways to measure the quality of FUE surgery. By utilizing this terminology, practitioners can communicate effectively with one another in day-to-day practice and in academic presentations and investigations.

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