Bae, Yoon-Soo Cindy et al.: 2023 Procedural Dermatology: Postresidency and Fellowship Compendium, Volume 2 DOI: 10.1055/b-0043-196746

8 Lasers and Light Devices for Hair Removal

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Editors: Bae, Yoon-Soo Cindy; Ciocon, David H.

Authors: Bae, Gee Young; Bernstein, Leonard J.; Boker, Andreas; Borash, Jordan; Bosley, Rawn; Brauer, Jeremy A.; Brown, Wilfred; Callaghan, Daniel; Chesnut, Cameron; Christman, Mitalee P.; Criscito, Maressa C.; Ebersole, Trina G.; Emer, Jason; Fabi, Sabrina Guillen; Fazzalari, Amanda; Friedman, Adam; Friedmann, Daniel P.; Geronemus, Roy G.; Goldberg, David J.; Gordon, Samantha; Graber, Emmy M.; Hazan, Ezra; Kent, Rhett A.; Khorasani, Hooman; Lederhandler, Margo H.; Lee, Austin; Li, Monica K.; Lin, Richard L.; Lipp, Michael B.; MacGregor, Jennifer L.; Mann, Margaret; Mehrabi, Joseph N.; Mishra, Vineet; Moak, Teri N.; Morton, Laurel M.; Murgia, Robert D.; Murphy, Emily C.; Paul, Benjamin Curman; Robinson, Deanne Mraz; Rokhsar, Cameron; Saedi, Nazanin; Scott, Jeffrey F.; Shridharani, Sachin M.; Soon, Seaver L.; Steele, Robert Blake; Steuer, Alexa B.; Tamashunas, Nina Lucia; Tan, Andrea; Tisch, Grace M.; Wang, Jordan V.; Weiss, Robert; Yeh, Lindsey; Zumwalt, Michael

Title: Procedural Dermatology: Postresidency and Fellowship Compendium, Volume 2

Print ISBN: 9783132424074; Online ISBN: 9783132437142; Book DOI: 10.1055/b000000254

Subjects: Dermatology;Allergology

Thieme Clinical Collections (English Language)

Maressa C. Criscito, Margo H. Lederhandler, and Leonard J. Bernstein


Laser hair removal is a commonly sought treatment for hypertrichosis or unwanted hair. This chapter reviews the various types of methods to remove unwanted hair as well as the principles behind using laser modalities for hair removal. Finally, a review of how to optimally treat patients is covered.

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