Bae, Yoon-Soo Cindy et al.: 2023 Procedural Dermatology: Postresidency and Fellowship Compendium, Volume 2 DOI: 10.1055/b-0043-196750

12 Chemical Peels

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Editors: Bae, Yoon-Soo Cindy; Ciocon, David H.

Authors: Bae, Gee Young; Bernstein, Leonard J.; Boker, Andreas; Borash, Jordan; Bosley, Rawn; Brauer, Jeremy A.; Brown, Wilfred; Callaghan, Daniel; Chesnut, Cameron; Christman, Mitalee P.; Criscito, Maressa C.; Ebersole, Trina G.; Emer, Jason; Fabi, Sabrina Guillen; Fazzalari, Amanda; Friedman, Adam; Friedmann, Daniel P.; Geronemus, Roy G.; Goldberg, David J.; Gordon, Samantha; Graber, Emmy M.; Hazan, Ezra; Kent, Rhett A.; Khorasani, Hooman; Lederhandler, Margo H.; Lee, Austin; Li, Monica K.; Lin, Richard L.; Lipp, Michael B.; MacGregor, Jennifer L.; Mann, Margaret; Mehrabi, Joseph N.; Mishra, Vineet; Moak, Teri N.; Morton, Laurel M.; Murgia, Robert D.; Murphy, Emily C.; Paul, Benjamin Curman; Robinson, Deanne Mraz; Rokhsar, Cameron; Saedi, Nazanin; Scott, Jeffrey F.; Shridharani, Sachin M.; Soon, Seaver L.; Steele, Robert Blake; Steuer, Alexa B.; Tamashunas, Nina Lucia; Tan, Andrea; Tisch, Grace M.; Wang, Jordan V.; Weiss, Robert; Yeh, Lindsey; Zumwalt, Michael

Title: Procedural Dermatology: Postresidency and Fellowship Compendium, Volume 2

Print ISBN: 9783132424074; Online ISBN: 9783132437142; Book DOI: 10.1055/b000000254

Subjects: Dermatology;Allergology

Thieme Clinical Collections (English Language)

Ezra Hazan, Seaver L. Soon, and Hooman Khorasani


Chemical peels are a safe and cost-effective treatment for a variety of cosmetic and medical conditions. They work by inducing epidermal and dermal ablation at varying levels, depending on the chemical and concentration, among other factors. Superficial peels penetrate to the level of the epidermis and can treat acne, melasma, skin texture, and fine lines with little to no downtime. Medium-depth peels penetrate to the level of the papillary dermis and can be used to treat scarring, fine lines, and signs of photoaging, such as actinic keratoses and lentigines. Deep peels ablate to the level of the reticular dermis and can be used to treat focal scars or for facial resurfacing of deep wrinkles. Proper patient selection, peel and concentration selection, pre- and postpeel regimen, technique, and postprocedure care are all essential in performing an effective peel. When used in the appropriate skin type, peels are well tolerated and considered safe.

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