Bae, Yoon-Soo Cindy et al.: 2023 Procedural Dermatology: Postresidency and Fellowship Compendium, Volume 2 DOI: 10.1055/b-0043-196751

13 Light-Emitting Diode Photomodulation

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Editors: Bae, Yoon-Soo Cindy; Ciocon, David H.

Authors: Bae, Gee Young; Bernstein, Leonard J.; Boker, Andreas; Borash, Jordan; Bosley, Rawn; Brauer, Jeremy A.; Brown, Wilfred; Callaghan, Daniel; Chesnut, Cameron; Christman, Mitalee P.; Criscito, Maressa C.; Ebersole, Trina G.; Emer, Jason; Fabi, Sabrina Guillen; Fazzalari, Amanda; Friedman, Adam; Friedmann, Daniel P.; Geronemus, Roy G.; Goldberg, David J.; Gordon, Samantha; Graber, Emmy M.; Hazan, Ezra; Kent, Rhett A.; Khorasani, Hooman; Lederhandler, Margo H.; Lee, Austin; Li, Monica K.; Lin, Richard L.; Lipp, Michael B.; MacGregor, Jennifer L.; Mann, Margaret; Mehrabi, Joseph N.; Mishra, Vineet; Moak, Teri N.; Morton, Laurel M.; Murgia, Robert D.; Murphy, Emily C.; Paul, Benjamin Curman; Robinson, Deanne Mraz; Rokhsar, Cameron; Saedi, Nazanin; Scott, Jeffrey F.; Shridharani, Sachin M.; Soon, Seaver L.; Steele, Robert Blake; Steuer, Alexa B.; Tamashunas, Nina Lucia; Tan, Andrea; Tisch, Grace M.; Wang, Jordan V.; Weiss, Robert; Yeh, Lindsey; Zumwalt, Michael

Title: Procedural Dermatology: Postresidency and Fellowship Compendium, Volume 2

Print ISBN: 9783132424074; Online ISBN: 9783132437142; Book DOI: 10.1055/b000000254

Subjects: Dermatology;Allergology

Thieme Clinical Collections (English Language)

Robert Weiss and Robert D. Murgia


Light-emitting diode (LED) arrays for photomodulation are useful for collagen stimulation, textural smoothing, and overall photorejuvenation. Additional modalities include photodynamic therapy, wound healing, and reduction of inflammation from a variety of sources. Cellular rescue from ultraviolet damage and other toxic insults has been shown in small studies. Thermal nonablative photorejuvenation and nonthermal LED photomodulation have a synergistic effect, whereas LED photomodulation delivered immediately post thermal-based treatment can reduce both inflammation and the thermally induced erythema and edema of ablative and nonablative treatments. Delivery of LED light immediately before and after thermal injury appears to increase both anti-inflammatory and protective effects. The first written report discussing the use of photomodulation to improve facial wrinkles was published in 2002. In regard to the investigation of LED light for skin modulating properties, clinical tests and fibroblasts cultures demonstrated that specific packets of energy of precise wavelengths combined with a very explicit proprietary pulse sequencing “code” lead to upregulation of collagen type I synthesis and a reduction of matrix metalloproteinases with exposure to 590-/870-nm low-energy light. Because LEDs employ a nonthermal, light-based mechanism, few pretreatment precautions are required prior to exposure, and therapy is safe for all skin types. Exposure time may vary from 35 seconds to 20 minutes depending on the clinical indication and LED device, and minimal to no aftercare is required following treatment.

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