Bae, Yoon-Soo Cindy et al.: 2023 Procedural Dermatology: Postresidency and Fellowship Compendium, Volume 2 DOI: 10.1055/b-0043-196756

18 Blepharoplasty, Lower Facelift, and Brow Lift

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Editors: Bae, Yoon-Soo Cindy; Ciocon, David H.

Authors: Bae, Gee Young; Bernstein, Leonard J.; Boker, Andreas; Borash, Jordan; Bosley, Rawn; Brauer, Jeremy A.; Brown, Wilfred; Callaghan, Daniel; Chesnut, Cameron; Christman, Mitalee P.; Criscito, Maressa C.; Ebersole, Trina G.; Emer, Jason; Fabi, Sabrina Guillen; Fazzalari, Amanda; Friedman, Adam; Friedmann, Daniel P.; Geronemus, Roy G.; Goldberg, David J.; Gordon, Samantha; Graber, Emmy M.; Hazan, Ezra; Kent, Rhett A.; Khorasani, Hooman; Lederhandler, Margo H.; Lee, Austin; Li, Monica K.; Lin, Richard L.; Lipp, Michael B.; MacGregor, Jennifer L.; Mann, Margaret; Mehrabi, Joseph N.; Mishra, Vineet; Moak, Teri N.; Morton, Laurel M.; Murgia, Robert D.; Murphy, Emily C.; Paul, Benjamin Curman; Robinson, Deanne Mraz; Rokhsar, Cameron; Saedi, Nazanin; Scott, Jeffrey F.; Shridharani, Sachin M.; Soon, Seaver L.; Steele, Robert Blake; Steuer, Alexa B.; Tamashunas, Nina Lucia; Tan, Andrea; Tisch, Grace M.; Wang, Jordan V.; Weiss, Robert; Yeh, Lindsey; Zumwalt, Michael

Title: Procedural Dermatology: Postresidency and Fellowship Compendium, Volume 2

Print ISBN: 9783132424074; Online ISBN: 9783132437142; Book DOI: 10.1055/b000000254

Subjects: Dermatology;Allergology

Thieme Clinical Collections (English Language)

Robert Blake Steele, Rawn Bosley, and Cameron Chesnut


Facelift, blepharoplasty, and browlift are minimally invasive surgical approaches to facial rejuvenation. This chapter provides the background, anatomy, and detailed surgical methods to familiarize readers with cutting-edge facial cosmetics.

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