Bae, Yoon-Soo Cindy et al.: 2023 Procedural Dermatology: Postresidency and Fellowship Compendium, Volume 2 DOI: 10.1055/b-0043-196761

23 High-Definition Body Contouring: Advancing Traditional Liposuction through Experience

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Herausgeber: Bae, Yoon-Soo Cindy; Ciocon, David H.

Autoren: Bae, Gee Young; Bernstein, Leonard J.; Boker, Andreas; Borash, Jordan; Bosley, Rawn; Brauer, Jeremy A.; Brown, Wilfred; Callaghan, Daniel; Chesnut, Cameron; Christman, Mitalee P.; Criscito, Maressa C.; Ebersole, Trina G.; Emer, Jason; Fabi, Sabrina Guillen; Fazzalari, Amanda; Friedman, Adam; Friedmann, Daniel P.; Geronemus, Roy G.; Goldberg, David J.; Gordon, Samantha; Graber, Emmy M.; Hazan, Ezra; Kent, Rhett A.; Khorasani, Hooman; Lederhandler, Margo H.; Lee, Austin; Li, Monica K.; Lin, Richard L.; Lipp, Michael B.; MacGregor, Jennifer L.; Mann, Margaret; Mehrabi, Joseph N.; Mishra, Vineet; Moak, Teri N.; Morton, Laurel M.; Murgia, Robert D.; Murphy, Emily C.; Paul, Benjamin Curman; Robinson, Deanne Mraz; Rokhsar, Cameron; Saedi, Nazanin; Scott, Jeffrey F.; Shridharani, Sachin M.; Soon, Seaver L.; Steele, Robert Blake; Steuer, Alexa B.; Tamashunas, Nina Lucia; Tan, Andrea; Tisch, Grace M.; Wang, Jordan V.; Weiss, Robert; Yeh, Lindsey; Zumwalt, Michael

Titel: Procedural Dermatology: Postresidency and Fellowship Compendium, Volume 2

Print ISBN: 9783132424074; Online ISBN: 9783132437142; Buch-DOI: 10.1055/b000000254

Fachgebiete: Dermatologie;Allergologie

Thieme Clinical Collections (English Language)

Jason Emer and Michael B. Lipp


The desire for improvement in body shape has increased dramatically in recent years. This is mainly due to significant improvements in surgical techniques, reduced downtimes, and advances in nonsurgical approaches that not only reduce body fat but also tighten skin and improve cellulite. The demand for a “sculpted” and defined body over one that is just flat or improved has required surgeons to make advances in techniques and approaches to surgical body shaping that not only remove large volumes of fat in multiple locations at one time but also use this fat for muscular defining and body revolumizing while also addressing the desire for skin tightening and cellulite reduction. Newer adjunctive energy-based modalities such as lasers, ultrasound, radiofrequency (RF), and helium plasma allow surgeons to not only address the deep subcutaneous layers to remove bulk adipose but also work in the superficial layers for greater tightening, definition, and tone, which has long been avoided due to increased complications and risk of irregularities. For a full-body transformation, more aggressive high-definition body contouring (HDBC) procedures can be combined with surgical implants and/or skin removal in a series of procedures to get an ultimate transformation. Postoperative care such as lymphatic massage, superficial RF and ultrasound, vibration/shock therapies, and close follow-up are essential to ensure long-term complications are minimal and results are life-changing. Future studies are needed to look at the importance of noninvasive devices in the postoperative healing phase as well as how to further improve contour, cellulite, and skin-tightening results in conjunction with HDBC surgical techniques. Herein, we describe techniques for advanced body contouring procedures and demonstrate the results of these procedures.

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