Joule, J. A. et al.: 2017 Science of Synthesis, 2017/1: Knowledge Updates 2017/1 DOI: 10.1055/sos-SD-104-00464
Knowledge Updates 2017/1

4.4.47 Product Subclass 47: Silanols

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Editors: Joule, J. A.; Krause, N.; Oestreich, M.; Rademann, J.; Schaumann, E.; Wirth, T.

Authors: Albericio, F.; Atodiresei, I.; Baba, A.; Baker, A.; Braun, M.; Cherkupally, P.; Delvos, L.; Govender, T.; Hardman-Baldwin, A. M.; Joseph, B.; Kleeberg, C.; Kruger, H. G.; Mattson, A. E.; Mérour, J.-Y.; Nishimoto, Y.; Oestreich, M.; Qian, D.; Ramesh, S.; Rueping, M.; Singh, F. V.; de la Torre, B. G.; Wirth, T.; Yasuda, M.; Zhang, J.

Title: Knowledge Updates 2017/1

Print ISBN: 9783132414105; Online ISBN: 9783132414136; Book DOI: 10.1055/b-004-140261

Subjects: Organic Chemistry

Science of Synthesis Knowledge Updates

Parent publication

Title: Science of Synthesis

DOI: 10.1055/b-00000101

Series Editors: Carreira, E. M.; Decicco, C. P.; Fürstner, A.; Koch, G.; Molander, G.; Schaumann, E.; Shibasaki, M.; Thomas, E. J.; Trost, B. M.

Type: Multivolume Edition



This chapter covers synthetic approaches toward and selected applications of organosilanols. The focus is on the literature published in the period 2000–2015.

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