Banert, K. et al.: 2014 Science of Synthesis, 2013/4: Knowledge Updates 2013/4 DOI: 10.1055/sos-SD-126-00045
Knowledge Updates 2013/4

26.13 Product Class 13: α-Aryl and α-Hetaryl Ketones

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Editors: Banert, K.; Carreira, E. M.; Marek, I.; Reissig, H.-U.; Steel, P. G.

Authors: Aitken, R. A.; Boubalouta, Y.; Collings, J. C.; Czekelius, C.; Doyle, A. G.; Egart, B.; Hannedouche, J.; Kalow, J. A.; Scott, P. J. H.; Trawny, D.; Zimmer, R.

Title: Knowledge Updates 2013/4

Print ISBN: 9783131728111; Online ISBN: 9783132401464; Book DOI: 10.1055/b-003-128254

Subjects: Organic Chemistry;Chemical Reactions, Catalysis;Organometallic Chemistry;Laboratory Techniques, Stoichiometry

Science of Synthesis Knowledge Updates

Parent publication

Title: Science of Synthesis

DOI: 10.1055/b-00000101

Series Editors: Carreira, E. M.; Decicco, C. P.; Fürstner, A.; Molander, G. A.; Reider, P. J..; Schaumann, E.; Shibasaki, M.; Thomas, E. J.; Trost, B. M.

Type: Multivolume Edition



This chapter outlines many of the methods used to synthesize α-aryl ketones and α-hetaryl ketones. Attention is focused on transition-metal-catalyzed cross-coupling reactions of (het)aryl halides and pseudohalides with ketones and ketone derivatives, which are particularly useful for enantioselective synthesis, but other methods such as nucleophilic aromatic substitutions are also discussed.

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