1.4. 2 Hydrolysis of Nitriles to Carboxylic Acids
Editors: Faber, K.; Fessner, W.-D.; Turner, N. J.
Title: Biocatalysis in Organic Synthesis 1
Print ISBN: 9783131741318; Online ISBN: 9783131975218; Book DOI: 10.1055/b-003-125815
1st edition © 2015. Thieme. All rights reserved.
Georg Thieme Verlag KG, Stuttgart
Subjects: Organic Chemistry
Science of Synthesis Reference Libraries
Parent publication
Title: Science of Synthesis
DOI: 10.1055/b-00000101
Type: Multivolume Edition
The synthesis of carboxylic acids from nitriles utilizes two pathways of nitrile biotransformations: direct hydrolysis by nitrilase and bienzymatic hydrolysis by nitrile hydratase and amidase. General procedures consist of using whole cells or isolated enzymes as catalysts in aqueous media with a small fraction of organic cosolvent. These methods afford a number of products that are often difficult to prepare by chemical means such as 3-oxoamides, cyano carboxamides and cyano carboxylic acids, enantiopure 2- and 3-substituted carboxylic acids and carboxamides, and enantiopure (hetero)cyclic carboxylic acids and carboxamides. Stereochemistry is mainly recognized by amidase, but in some cases also by nitrilase and nitrile hydratase. Nitrile hydrolysis has also been employed in chemoenzymatic and multienzymatic methods such as the synthesis of aromatic and heterocyclic amides from aldehydes, the synthesis of enantiopure 2-hydroxy acids from aldehydes, the synthesis of enantiopure 3-hydroxy acids from 3-oxonitriles, and the synthesis of cyclophellitols from benzo-1,4-quinone.
Key words
nitriles - carboxylic acids - carboxamides - aldehydes - nitrilase - nitrile hydratase - amidase - stereochemistry - chemoenzymatic methods - multienzymatic methods- 1 Fernandes BCM, Mateo C, Kiziak C, Chmura A, Wacker J, van Rantwijk F, Stolz A, Sheldon RA. Adv. Synth. Catal. 2006; 348: 2597
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