1.4. 3 Hydrolysis of Amides
Editors: Faber, K.; Fessner, W.-D.; Turner, N. J.
Title: Biocatalysis in Organic Synthesis 1
Print ISBN: 9783131741318; Online ISBN: 9783131975218; Book DOI: 10.1055/b-003-125815
1st edition © 2015. Thieme. All rights reserved.
Georg Thieme Verlag KG, Stuttgart
Subjects: Organic Chemistry
Science of Synthesis Reference Libraries
Parent publication
Title: Science of Synthesis
DOI: 10.1055/b-00000101
Type: Multivolume Edition
This chapter describes the enzymatic hydrolysis of amide substrates. The main target compounds are amino acids, obtained via the kinetic resolution of amino acid amides and N-acylated amino acids using aminopeptidases, amidases, and aminoacylases. In addition, methods leading to enantiopure carboxylic acids and amines as well as lactamase-catalyzed processes are presented.
Key words
amide hydrolysis - amino acids - amines - carboxamides - lactams - Vince lactam - amidases - aminopeptidases - aminoacylases - lactamases- 1 The Amide Linkage: Structural Significance in Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Materials Science. Greenberg A, Breneman CM, Liebman JF. Wiley; Hoboken, NJ 2003
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