2 Mechanistic Aspects of Carbon—Boron Bond Formation
Editor: Fernández, E.
Title: Advances in Organoboron Chemistry towards Organic Synthesis
Print ISBN: 9783132429710; Online ISBN: 9783132429758; Book DOI: 10.1055/b-006-164898
1st edition © 2020. Thieme. All rights reserved.
Georg Thieme Verlag KG, Stuttgart
Subjects: Organic Chemistry;Chemical Reactions, Catalysis;Organometallic Chemistry;Laboratory Techniques, Stoichiometry
Science of Synthesis Reference Libraries
Parent publication
Title: Science of Synthesis
DOI: 10.1055/b-00000101
Series Editors: Fürstner, A. (Editor-in-Chief); Carreira, E. M.; Faul, M.; Kobayashi, S.; Koch, G.; Molander, G. A.; Nevado, C.; Trost, B. M.; You, S.-L.
Type: Multivolume Edition

Mechanisms for the selective formation of carbon–boron bonds under mild reaction conditions can be better understood with the help of computational studies, either alone or in collaboration with experimental research. There is a diversity of reaction mechanisms, many of which can be effectively characterized with currently available techniques.
Key words
carbon–boron bonds - hydroboration - borylation - nucleophilic substitution - electrophilic substitution - Lewis base catalysts - computational studies- 6 Pietsch S, Neeve EC, Apperley DC, Bertermann R, Mo F, Qiu D, Cheung MS, Dang L, Wang J, Radius U, Lin Z, Kleeberg C, Marder TB. Chem.–Eur. J. 2015; 21: 7082
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