Yoshikai, N. : 2023 Science of Synthesis, 2023/3: Base-Metal Catalysis 2 DOI: 10.1055/sos-SD-239-00143
Base-Metal Catalysis 2

2.8 Iron-Catalyzed C—H Functionalization

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Herausgeber: Yoshikai, N.

Autoren: Adak, L. ; Aoki, S.; Banerjee, S. ; Bedford, R. B. ; Cheng, Z.; Costas, M. ; Gao, M.; Garai, B.; Ge, S. ; Gosmini, C. ; Hota, S. K.; Ilies, L. ; Jindal, A.; Kawanaka, Y.; Li, H. ; Li, M.; Liu, Q. ; Lu, Z. ; Mandal, R.; Matsunaga, S. ; Murarka, S. ; Nakamura, M. ; Nolla-Saltiel, R. ; Ollevier, T. ; Palone, A. ; Panda, S. P.; Sahoo, S.; Sang, J.; Schiltz, P.; Shenvi, R. A. ; Sundararaju, B. ; van der Puyl, V. ; Vicens, L. ; Wang, C. ; Wang, Y. ; Yang, X.; Yang, Y.; Yoshikai, N. ; Yoshino, T. ; Zeng, X. ; Zhang, G.

Titel: Base-Metal Catalysis 2

Print ISBN: 9783132455030; Online ISBN: 9783132455054; Buch-DOI: 10.1055/b000000440

Fachgebiete: Organische Chemie;Chemische Reaktionen, Katalyse;Organometallchemie;Chemische Labormethoden, Stöchiometrie

Science of Synthesis Reference Libraries

Übergeordnete Publikation

Titel: Science of Synthesis

DOI: 10.1055/b-00000101

Reihenherausgeber: Fürstner, A. (Editor-in-Chief); Carreira, E. M.; Faul, M.; Kobayashi, S.; Koch, G.; Molander, G. A.; Nevado, C.; Trost, B. M.; You, S.-L.

Typ: Mehrbändiges Werk



The direct functionalization of an organic substrate via transition-metal-catalyzed C—H bond activation is a powerful tool for building molecular complexity. Despite the abundance, low cost, and low toxicity of iron, which make it an ideal metal for sustainable catalysis, iron-catalyzed C—H activation has been less investigated compared with catalysis based on precious metals such as palladium or iridium. In this chapter, selected examples of iron-catalyzed activation of a C—H bond to create a new C—C bond are described. Arylation, hetarylation, alkenylation, and alkylation of C(sp2)—H and C(sp3)—H bonds is discussed. Most of the substrates require a directing group, but several examples of non-directed reactions are also presented. The functionalization of a C—H bond has been achieved by using organometallic reagents, organic halides and pseudohalides, multiple bonds such as alkenes and alkynes, and arenes or hetarenes as the reaction partner.

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