DOI: 10.1055/b-002-72245
Hamm, Bernd; Krestin, Gabriel Paul; Laniado, Michael; et al.: 2010

MR Imaging of the Abdomen and Pelvis

Print ISBN 9783131455918 · Online ISBN 9783131467713
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Herausgeber: Hamm, Bernd; Krestin, Gabriel Paul; Laniado, Michael; Nicolas, Volkmar; Taupitz, Matthias

Autoren: Asbach, Patrick; Beyersdorff, Dirk; Dammann, Florian; Gehl, Hans-Bjoern; Habermann, Christian R.; Heyer, Christoph M.; Klessen, Christian; Kluener, Claudia; Krupski-Berdien, Gerrit; Kubik-Huch, Rahel A.; Lorenzen, Maren; Luboldt, Wolfgang; Mahfouz, Ahmed-Emad; Muehler, Matthias R.; Mueller-Lisse, Ullrich Gerd; Pennekamp, Werner; Reimer, Peter; Reuter, Michael; Stoever, Brigitte; Vosshenrich, Rolf

Titel: MR Imaging of the Abdomen and Pelvis

Print ISBN: 9783131455918; Online ISBN: 9783131467713; Buch-DOI: 10.1055/b-002-72245

Fachgebiete: Radiologie, Bildgebende Verfahren

Thieme Clinical Collections (English Language)

1 The Liver
2 The Bile and Pancreatic Ducts
3 The Pancreas
4 The Spleen
5 The Gastrointestinal Tract
6 The Rectum and Anal Canal
7 The Kidneys and Upper Urinary Tract
8 The Adrenal Glands
9 The Retroperitoneum
10 The Urinary Bladder
11 The Prostate and Seminal Vesicles
12 The Uterus and Vagina
13 The Adnexa
14 Magnetic Resonance Pelvimetry
15 Magnetic Resonance Angiography of the Abdomen
16 Intra-abdominal Lymph Nodes
17 Abdominal MRI in Children