Chapman, Jens R et al.: 2009 Spine Classifications and Severity Measures DOI: 10.1055/b-0034-98162
6 Spine trauma severity measures

6.2 Spinal cord injury severity measures

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Editors: Chapman, Jens R; Dettori, Joseph R; Norvell, Daniel C

Authors: Agel, Julie; Arlet, Vincent; Audigé, Laurent; Bellabarba, Carlo; Bransford, Richard; Defno, Helton; DeVine, LTC John G; Elgafy, Hossein K; Fehlings, Michael G; Gruenberg, Marcelo F; Hawryluk, Gregory WJ; Hermsmeyer, Jeffrey T; Lee, Michael J; Lund, Teija; Menon, Venugopal; Ott, Susan M.; Rhines, Laurence D; Schildhauer, Thomas A; Tencer, Allan F; Vaccaro, Alexander R; Valacco, Marcelo; Wagner, Theodore A; Williams, Richard P

Title: Spine Classifications and Severity Measures

Print ISBN: 9783131464415; Online ISBN: 9783131623812; Book DOI: 10.1055/b-002-98015

Subjects: Orthopaedics and Trauma Surgery

Thieme Clinical Collections (English Language)


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