Ullman, Jamie S. et al.: 2015 Atlas of Emergency Neurosurgery DOI: 10.1055/b-0035-121760
II Spinal Emergency Procedures

14 Cervical Facet Dislocation

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Editors: Ullman, Jamie S.; Raksin, P.B.

Authors: Abeshaus, Sergey; Adelson, P. David; Ahmad, Faiz U.; Armonda, Rocco A.; Neto, Nelson Astur; Bederson, Joshua; Browd, Samuel R.; Bullock, Ross; Davidson, Laurence; Deutsch, Harel; Drazin, Doniel; Ellenbogen, Richard G.; Esposito, Domenic P.; Fehlings, Michael G.; Figaji, Anthony; Gologorsky, Yakov; Haridas, Abilash; Harrigan, Mark R.; Harris, Odette A.; Harrop, James S.; Hood, Brian; Hsieh, Joseph; Huang, Michael C.; Iyer, Asha; Jane, John A.; Jenkins, Arthur; Jiang, Bowen; Johnson, J. Patrick; Kiehna, Erin N.; Kim, Kee; Klimo, Paul; Laroche, Mathieu; Levy, A. Stewart; Madura, Casey; Manley, Geoffrey T.; Mascitelli, Justin; Moores, Leon E.; Mossop, Corey M.; Motivala, Soriaya; Muhlbauer, Michael S.; Neal, Christopher J.; Post, Kalmon D.; Purzner, James G.; Purzner, Teresa S.; Rabb, Craig; Raksin, P.B.; Randhawa, Pal S.; Rasouli, Jonathan; Resnick, Daniel; Rey-Dios, Roberto; Richards, Boyd F.; Rosner, Michael K.; Shirzadi, Ali; Skovrlj, Branko; Taub, Peter J.; Timmons, Shelly D.; Torres, Roland A.; Turner, Michael; Ullman, Jamie S.; Veeravagu, Anand; Wang, Michael Y.; Warner, William C.; Weiss, Nirit; Yadla, Sanjay; Zussman, Benjamin M.

Title: Atlas of Emergency Neurosurgery

Print ISBN: 9781604063684; Online ISBN: 9781604063691; Book DOI: 10.1055/b-003-121745

Subjects: Neurosurgery

Thieme Clinical Collections (English Language)


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