Product Subclass 6: Selenoimidates (Imidoselenoates) and Derivatives
Herausgeber: Charette, A. B.
Titel: Category 3, Compounds with Four and Three Carbon Heteroatom Bonds
Untertitel: Three Carbon–Heteroatom Bonds: Thio-, Seleno-, and Tellurocarboxylic Acids and Derivatives; Imidic Acids and Derivatives; Ortho Acid Derivatives
Print ISBN: 9783131187314; Online ISBN: 9783131837417; Buch-DOI: 10.1055/b-003-121813
2005 © 2005 Georg Thieme Verlag KG
Georg Thieme Verlag KG, Stuttgart
Fachgebiete: Organische Chemie
Science of Synthesis 3: Compounds with Four and Three Carbon-Heteroatom Bonds
Übergeordnete Publikation
Titel: Science of Synthesis
DOI: 10.1055/b-00000101
Typ: Mehrbändiges Werk