Microangiolopatic ulcerations represent a peculiar kind of ulceration. Though not rare, there is still not enough known about them and treatment is inadequate, usually long term and deceiving. We have followed 66 patients with microangiolopathic ulcerations secondary to metabolic disorders (diabetes mellitus), vascular disorders (vascularitis, atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, arteritis, postthrombotic syndrome, atrophie blanche), postcombustive syndrome, scleroderma, lupus eritematosus, and other disorders. Besides the clinical investigation, the patients have been investigated by biochemistry tests, rheography, photopletismoraphy, Doppler ultrasonography, detailed examination of ocular fundi, morphopathological examination of the ulcerated and apparently healthy skin, soft tissue radiography, phlebography, arteriography, or lymphography. A therapeutic attempt in a group of six patients, consisting of sublesional infiltrations and/or ulcus scarification according to the patient's personal biorithms, had encouraging results.