Int J Angiol 1993; 2(1): 22-32
DOI: 10.1007/BF02651557
Original Articles

© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

Current views on mechanisms of vasodilation in response to ischemia and hypoxia

Robert Gasser1 , Helmut Brussee1 , Mario Wallner1 , Elisabeth Kickenweiz1 , Manfred Grisold1 , Brigitte Rotman1 , Bernd Eber1 , Johann Dusleag1 , Victor Weinrauch1 , Martin Schumacher1 , Claudia Furian2 , Werner Klein1
  • 1The Experimental Cardiology Section, Division of Cardiology, Department of Medicine, Karl-Franzens-University Graz, Austria
  • 2The Experimental Cardiology Section, Division of Medicine, LKH Hartberg, Graz, Austria
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22. April 2011 (online)


Myocardial function (and thus life) is entirely dependent on sufficient O2 supply. Therefore, this supply is extremely well regulated via a refined system of interacting mechanisms. These have been subject to extensive research for more than 100 years. Surprisingly, remarkable dispute still arises among scientists concerning the factors and mechanisms involved in this regulatory system.

During ischemia, myocardial cells have been shown to release vasoactive metabolites (eg, H+ and K+ ions, lactic acid, adenosine, and others), which cause spontaneous coronary dilation. On the other hand claims have been made that the endothelium itself could play a key role in hypoxic/ischemic vasodilation by releasing endothelium-derived relaxant factor (EDRF) (NO = nitric oxide) and other still partially unspecified vasoactive substances (eg, prostaglandins). Furthermore, it has been discussed that intravascular O2 tension (pO2) itself would exert a direct effect upon endothelial and/or vascular smooth muscle cells and thus produce per se a local reflectory vasodilation. In contrast, the intravascular CO2 tension has also been shown to act upon coronary vascular resistance during myocardial ischemia. Recently, hints have been made about the membrane potential of arterial smooth muscle cells as a key factor in hypoxia/ischemia vasodilation. However, during hypoxia and metabolic inhibition, the membrane potential seems to be modulated primarily by the action of adenosinetriphosphate-dependent (ATP) potassium channels (K+ ATP channels).

In conclusion, a number of factors contribute to ischemia/hypoxia-induced vasodilation. The present review contrasts recent findings on ATP-dependent K+ channels with other experimental evidence concerning other mechanisms involved in hypoxic/ischemic vasodilation.