J Hand Microsurg 2011; 03(02): 45-50
DOI: 10.1007/s12593-010-0011-x
Original Article
Thieme Medical and Scientific Publishers Private Ltd.

Use of Local Sliding Flaps to Manage Deep Localized Burns of the Hand

Ahmed Hussein Rahoma

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06. März 2010

15. August 2010

05. September 2016 (online)


The incidence of hand burns in children is high. In the overall cases of body burns, hand and wrist burns account for about 39%. They may constitute a part of a larger burn of the body, or an isolated injury of the hand and wrist. The choice between early and late escharectomy and skin covering is still a matter of debate. Two cases of deep burns of the hands are presented in this report. The report shows a new way to close the residual wounds of deep burns.

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