J Hand Microsurg 2010; 02(02): 82-84
DOI: 10.1007/s12593-010-0016-5
Case Report
Thieme Medical and Scientific Publishers Private Ltd.

Ewings Sarcoma of the Hand–A Case Report

Srinivasan Rajappa
P. Gopinath Menon
Sandhya Sundaram

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08. März 2010

12. Juli 2010

05. September 2016 (online)


Ewings sarcoma of the hand is relatively rare. Ewings sarcoma can present with minimal pain and swelling of the affected digit. The Erythrocyte sedimentation rate and Creactive protein may be high. Radiologically, Ewings sarcoma can present with a plethora of features from permeative bone destruction to expansile lesions with or without periosteal reaction. Because of these features, this can be confused with Tuberculosis especially in a country like ours where Tuberculosis is endemic. This leads to starting of inappropriate treatment and delay in diagnosis. We report a case of an 18 year old boy who was initially diagnosed as Tuberculous dactylytis of the proximal phalanx of the little finger. He was started on anti-tuberculous treatment and did not respond to it. Subsequent investigation in our centre which also included an open biopsy, confirmed the diagnosis of Ewings sarcoma. He was treated with ray excision, and chemotherapy. This case is being presented for its rarity and also to emphasize the fact that an open biopsy in suspected cases would be appropriate to confirm the diagnosis. This would prevent delay in diagnosis of rare conditions like Ewings sarcoma.