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DOI: 10.1007/s40556-015-0042-2
Outcome of Antenatally Diagnosed Cardiac Rhabdomyoma: Case Series from a Tertiary Fetal Medicine Center in India
The aim of this case series is to review our institution’s experience with fetal cardiac rhabdomyoma, to document the clinical outcome and the incidence of associated tuberous sclerosis (TS) in these babies after birth. Eight cases with fetal cardiac rhabdomyoma were studied over a period of three years and the perinatal outcome was obtained. Out of these eight cases diagnosed antenatally, seven pregnancies continued till term and one woman opted for termination of pregnancy. There was one early neonatal death and of the six living, five developed TS with cutaneous and neurological manifestations. This association is similar with other larger multicentric studies and meta-analysis. Fetal cardiac rhabdomyoma is strongly associated with the development of TS in postnatal life, and the couples should be counseled regarding this association.
Publication History
Received: 15 April 2015
Accepted: 09 June 2015
Article published online:
08 May 2023
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