CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 · Journal of Fetal Medicine 2020; 07(04): 317-319
DOI: 10.1007/s40556-020-00276-1
Brief Communication

Antenatal Diagnosis of Filar Cysts: An Ultrasound Study of 2 Cases

Balaji Khanapure
1   Khanapure Diagnostic Centre, Nanded, India
2   Government Women’s Hospital Basmat, Hingoli, India
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Antenatal diagnosis of filar cysts is an uncommon occurrence and these lesions have been reported very rarely. With the increasing resolution of ultrasound machines, it is expected that these will be seen more frequently. In the majority of cases these cysts are reported in the third trimester and to our knowledge there is no case of antenatal detection of filar cyst which has been reported before 20 weeks of gestation. We report 2 cases of cysts of filum terminale (filar cysts) diagnosed antenatally in the second trimester (19 weeks and 22 weeks of gestation respectively).

Publication History

Received: 06 September 2020

Accepted: 05 November 2020

Article published online:
05 May 2023

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