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DOI: 10.1016/S0007-0785(87)80057-1
Differentiation of potencies of Agaricus muscarius by experimental catalepsy
Verantwortlicher Herausgeber dieser Rubrik:
26. Juni 2018 (online)
Agaricus m., administered orally to rats subjected to restraint to induce catalepsy, enhanced the cataleptic state. The higher the potency the longer its duration of peak action and the longer did it take to reach the peak effect. The action of atropine sulphate which diminishes catalepsy, was suppressed by Agaricus m. The degree of suppresion increased with the increase in potency of Agaricus m. Since restraint-induced catalepsy is mediated by cholinergic-dopaminergic interactions in the brain, Agaricus m. is thought to produce its effect by influencing those systems. The work provides a scientific proof for the action of potentized homœopathic drugs and for the principle of the minimum dose. Further, it introduces an animal model for testing homœopathic drugs.