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DOI: 10.1016/S0973-0508(08)80004-4
Surgical management of traumatic extradural haematoma: Experiences with 610 patients and prospective analysis
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Publication Date:
05 April 2017 (online)
This study was carried out to find out the age, sex, mode of injury, localization, clinical presentation, CT findings, operative measures and outcome of extradural haematoma in the patient population at Dhaka Medical College. 610 consecutive patients with cranial extradural haematoma who underwent surgery in department of Neurosurgery from 1st January 2006 to 6th October 2008 were included in this prospective study. Each of the patients were evaluated in term of age, sex, mode of injury, localization of haematoma, clinical presentation, CT findings, operative measures and outcome. Out of 610 cases 86.32 % were male and 13.78 % were female. The male and female ratio was 6.27: 1. Age ranged from 2.5 to 83 years. Commonest age group was 21 to 30 years. Commonest mode of injury was Road traffic Accident 53.45%, followed by Assaults. Most common clinical presentation was headache / Vomiting 63.61 %, followed by altered sensorium 60.66 %. In this present prospective study of 610 cases of EDH, temporo parietal site was involved in 33.45 % followed by frontal region in 23.28 %. Sixty five patients (10.66 %) died; 19 of these had associated brain injuries and 28 cases were deeply unconscious. Extradural haematoma is a neurosurgical emergency where early surgical intervention is associated with the best prognosis. Many factors affects the outcome of extradural haematoma surgery and the most important one is the duration of time between incident/accident and operation in neurosurgical operation theater; mortality can be close to 0% if this time interval can be minimized.
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