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DOI: 10.1055/a-0652-7096
Management des Vestibularisschwannoms
Management of vestibular schwannomasPublication History
Publication Date:
10 December 2018 (online)

Primäres Ziel der Behandlungsstrategie von Vestibularisschwannomen ist der Erhalt bzw. die Optimierung der Lebensqualität unter bestmöglicher Erhaltung der Nervenfunktionen. Einfluss auf das Management von Vestibularisschwannomen haben in erster Linie Tumorgröße, Tumorlage, Wachstumstendenz, Alter und Komorbiditäten sowie audiovestibuläre Symptome, d. h. Gleichgewichts- und Hörstörungen.
Vestibular schwannomas are benign neoplasms originating from the Schwann cells of the vestibular vestibular nerve of the vestibulocochlear nerve, and rarely from the pars cochlearis. These are tumors that are in contact with the nerve but do not bind the fibers. Benign neoplasms of the Schwann cells of the auditory and equilibrium nerves can also occur primarily in the inner ear and are referred to as intralabyrinthine schwannomas (ILS). Vestibular schwannomas represent 6–7 % of all intracranial and 90 % of cerebellopontine angle tumors. Bilateral occurrence occurs in < 5 % of cases, and then corresponds to type 2 neurofibromatosis. The first symptom is often a unilateral hearing loss. It may then lead to balance disorders, tinnitus, facial paralysis and other impairments. Diagnosis is audiological, vestibular and imaging. Magnetic resonance imaging currently represents the gold standard. Management chooses between an observational strategy and surgery, depending on tumor size, age, and other factors. The possible access routes offer different advantages and disadvantages; the potential complications include the liquorrhoea. Radiation therapy is possible in special cases, and drug therapies are also being tested. In the rehabilitation of the hearing function, in addition to a CROS or BICROS restoration, the cochlear implant has been used with good success. The impact on quality of life is largely determined by hearing impairment, balance disorders, tinnitus, and possibly headache, which must be considered in patient consultation and long-term care.
* C. Schulz und S. Plontke haben gleichberechtigt zum Artikel beigetragen
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