Evaluation of skin diseases can be challenging for non-dermatologists. Even obvious well-characterized skin pathologies might be misleading and thus treatment can fail. Particularly the differentiation of surgical treated entities is important, for example the management of a wound healing disturbance profoundly differs from that of a pyoderma gangrenosum. This article outlines several easily mistaken pairs of dermatologic entities on one hand and surgical on the other. For example, a livedo vasculopathy can be confused with a leg ulcer, a nail melanoma with a simple hematoma and finally a hidradenitis suppurativa with an axillary abscess. Typical clinical signs and anamnestic data may often lead to the right diagnosis also assisted by the simple fact to “keep it in mind“.
Für Nicht-Dermatologen ist es oftmals gar nicht so leicht, Hauterkrankungen differenzialdiagnostisch richtig einzuschätzen. Insbesondere Entitäten, die vermeintlich bekannte Charakteristika aufweisen, werden nicht selten verkannt und dann unter Umständen falsch behandelt. So unterscheidet sich z. B. die Therapie einer vermeintlichen Wundheilungsstörung fundamental von der eines postoperativen Pyoderma gangraenosum.
Livedovaskulopathie - Nagelmelanom - postoperatives Pyoderma gangraenosum - Acne inversa - inguinaler/axillärer Abszess
Key words
livedovasculopathy - subungual melanoma - postoperative pyoderma gangrenosum - hidradenitis suppurativa - inguinal/axillary abscess