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DOI: 10.1055/a-0659-6873
Foetal Doppler Parameters as a Prognostic Marker Before Induction of Labour
Artikel in mehreren Sprachen: English | deutschPublikationsverlauf
received 01. August 2017
revised 17. Juni 2018
accepted 17. Juli 2018
14. September 2018 (online)

Introduction The value of foetal Doppler ultrasonography before induction of labour for prognostic assessment of the duration of labour and foetal outcome is presented.
Patients and Methods Doppler ultrasound of the foetal middle cerebral artery (MCA) and of the umbilical artery (UA) was performed in addition to evaluation of the Bishop score in 49 women around the expected date of confinement (38 + 0 – 42 + 0 weeks of gestation) prior to planned pharmacological induction of labour. These parameters were studied using non-parametric statistical methods for associations with the duration of induction until delivery, the mode of delivery and foetal outcome.
Results The resistance index (RI) of the MCA (rs = 0.547, p < 0.001), but not the RI of the UA (rs = − 0.055, p = 0.707) correlated positively with the duration of induction. Moreover, a negative correlation was found between the RI of the UA and the babyʼs arterial cord pH at birth (rs = − 0.287, p = 0.046). No differences in the RI of MCA or UA were found between babies born vaginally and those delivered by secondary section.
Conclusion The present data show that Doppler measurement of the foetal MCA and UA before pharmacological induction of labour at term can be a further parameter for prognostic estimation of the duration and success of induction and of foetal outcome in addition to the established Bishop score.
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