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DOI: 10.1055/a-0690-9365
Guideline-Oriented Therapy of Lower Extremity Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD) – Current Data and Perspectives
Article in several languages: English | deutschPublication History
22 March 2018
01 August 2018
Publication Date:
21 January 2019 (online)

Background Because of the demographic change, lower extremity peripheral artery disease (PAD) is becoming increasingly relevant with respect to health economics. PAD patients often suffer from multiple diseases. Consequently, therapy is commonly complex and requires an interdisciplinary approach. Because of rapid technical developments, interventional endovascular therapy regimens play an increasingly important role.
Method Review and literature search on the basis of the current German S3 guidelines on the therapy of PAD as well as international guidelines. In terms of state-of-the-art therapies, relevant current studies were considered.
Results Knowledge of existing guidelines and recommendations as well as new therapeutic approaches is essential for the adequate therapy of PAD patients. A close cooperation between the interventional radiologist and the vascular surgeon is the key to success. In addition to established conservative approaches and invasive bypass surgery, the endovascular approach has been a mainstay in the TASC A and B environment for years. It has recently shown promising results in advanced PAD conditions, such as TASC C and D. An endovascular-first strategy is defined in most guidelines.
Conclusion A primarily endovascular-first strategy has become the standard in the majority of even complex lesions of the lower extremity arterial system. Regarding the crural segment, a decrease in mortality compared to bypass surgery has been demonstrated. Further evidence can be expected from ongoing randomized multicenter trials.
Key Points:
Adequate diagnostic examination is essential for the classification and strategy of therapy in PAD
Therapeutic decisions are ideally made in an interdisciplinary conference
Interventional therapy of intermittent claudication after exhaustion of conservative and medicamentous therapy
Endovascular-first approach in supra- and infrainguinal lesions
Additional evidence expected from future randomized trials
Citation Format
Kersting J, Kamper L, Das M et al. Guideline-Oriented Therapy of Lower Extremity Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD) – Current Data and Perspectives. Fortschr Röntgenstr 2019; 191: 311 – 322
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