CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 · Ultrasound Int Open 2018; 4(04): E110-E116
DOI: 10.1055/a-0732-5795
Original Article
Eigentümer und Copyright ©Georg Thieme Verlag KG 2018

Re-Evaluation of 162 Malignant Thyroid Nodules that were Interpreted as Benign Based on Ultrasound Findings

Tomoko Fujimoto
1   Kuma Hospital, Department of Clinical Laboratory, Kobe, Japan
Mitsuyoshi Hirokawa
2   Kuma Hospital, Department of Diagnostic Pathology and Cytology, Kobe, Japan
Ayana Suzuki
1   Kuma Hospital, Department of Clinical Laboratory, Kobe, Japan
Hisashi Ota
1   Kuma Hospital, Department of Clinical Laboratory, Kobe, Japan
Maki Oshita
1   Kuma Hospital, Department of Clinical Laboratory, Kobe, Japan
Takumi Kudo
3   Kuma Hospital, Internal Medicine, Kobe, Japan
Mitsuhiro Fukushima
4   Kuma Hospital, Department of Surgery, Kobe, Japan
Kaoru Kobayashi
4   Kuma Hospital, Department of Surgery, Kobe, Japan
Akira Miyauchi
4   Kuma Hospital, Department of Surgery, Kobe, Japan
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received 16. Mai 2018
revised 19. Juli 2018

accepted 24. August 2018

25. Oktober 2018 (online)



The goal of this study was to estimate the risk of malignant thyroid nodules being interpreted as benign based on ultrasound findings and to clarify the pathological features of these malignant nodules.

Materials and Methods

We retrospectively re-evaluated ultrasound and pathological findings for 162 malignant thyroid nodules that were initially interpreted as benign based on ultrasound findings at Kuma Hospital between April 2012 and June 2015.


The incidences of malignancy among “benign” thyroid nodules were 0.5% overall and 6.2% among resected nodules. In addition, 82.7% of thyroid nodules that were originally judged to have low or very low suspicion patterns were subsequently re-categorized as having high or intermediate suspicion patterns. The incidences of irregular margins (63.6%) and low echogenicity (36.4%) were higher than those of punctate microcalcification (17.9%) and the taller-than-wide shape (20.4%). Among microcarcinomas, the incidences were 65.7% for irregular margins and 51.4% for low echogenicity. Rim calcification with small extrusive soft tissue components and extrathyroidal extensions were not observed. After re-evaluation, 40.0% of papillary thyroid carcinomas remained benign based on their variants, such as the encapsulated, follicular, macrofollicular, and oxyphilic cell variants.


We conclude that more careful observation, especially for lesions with irregular margins and low echogenicity, can help improve the diagnostic accuracy of thyroid ultrasonography. Furthermore, greater care may decrease the incidence of malignancy among thyroid nodules with low or very low suspicion patterns. Some variants of papillary thyroid carcinoma can have benign ultrasound findings.

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