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Z Orthop Unfall 2019; 157(03): 308-315
DOI: 10.1055/a-0757-8494
Case Report/Fallbericht
Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

Avulsionsfrakturen am Tuber ischiadicum und resultierendes ischiofemorales Impingement – ein Fallbericht mit Literaturreview

Artikel in mehreren Sprachen: English | deutsch
Kim Rutetzki
1   Department of Trauma Surgery and Orthopedics, Reconstructive and Septic Surgery, Sports Traumatology, German Armed Forces Hospital Ulm
Hans-Georg Palm
1   Department of Trauma Surgery and Orthopedics, Reconstructive and Septic Surgery, Sports Traumatology, German Armed Forces Hospital Ulm
Benedikt Friemert
1   Department of Trauma Surgery and Orthopedics, Reconstructive and Septic Surgery, Sports Traumatology, German Armed Forces Hospital Ulm
Hans-Joachim Riesner
1   Department of Trauma Surgery and Orthopedics, Reconstructive and Septic Surgery, Sports Traumatology, German Armed Forces Hospital Ulm
Winfried Schwarz
1   Department of Trauma Surgery and Orthopedics, Reconstructive and Septic Surgery, Sports Traumatology, German Armed Forces Hospital Ulm
Fabian Stuby
2   Trauma Center, BG Hospital Murnau
Patricia Lang
1   Department of Trauma Surgery and Orthopedics, Reconstructive and Septic Surgery, Sports Traumatology, German Armed Forces Hospital Ulm
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