Int J Sports Med 2019; 40(01): 31-37
DOI: 10.1055/a-0777-2279
Training & Testing
© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

Bubble Formation in Children and Adolescents after Two Standardised Shallow Dives

Lisa Geyer
1   German Sport University, Institute of Movement and Neurosciences, Cologne, Germany
Konrad Brockmeier
2   Peadiatric Cardiology, University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany
Christine Graf
1   German Sport University, Institute of Movement and Neurosciences, Cologne, Germany
Benno Kretzschmar
3   Department of Paediatrics, St. Georg Hospital Eisenach, Eisenach, Germany
Karl-Heinz Schmitz
4   Cardiologist, Private Practice, Dinslaken, Germany
Ferdinand Webering
5   German Sport University, Institute of Cardiology and Sports Medicine, Cologne, Germany
Uwe Hoffmann
6   German Sport University, Institute of Physiology and Anatomy, Cologne, Germany
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accepted 22. Oktober 2018

20. November 2018 (online)

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Circulating venous bubbles after dives are associated with symptoms of decompression sickness in adults. Up to now it is not known to what extent children and adolescents are subjected to a bubble formation during their shallow dives and if there are possible indications for that. The aim of this pilot study is to investigate whether bubbles and/or symptoms occur after standardised repeated dives performed by young divers. 28 children and adolescents (13.5±1.1 years) carried out two 25 min dives to a depth of 10 m with a 90 min surface interval. Before and after, echocardiographic data were recorded and evaluated with regard to circulating bubbles with an extended Eftedal-Brubakk-Scale by 2 different examiners. Bubbles were observed for a total of 6 subjects, Grade I (n=5) and Grade III (n=1). None of them showed any symptoms of decompression sickness. No differences were established regarding potential influencing factors on bubble formation between the groups with and without bubbles. The results indicate that even relatively shallow and short dives can generate venous bubbles in children and adolescents. To what extent this relates to the decompression sickness or clinical symptoms cannot be validated at this point.

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