Das Pseudoexfoliationssyndrom (PEX-Syndrom) ist eine häufige, mit dem Alter zunehmende und weltweit auftretende Erkrankung. Charakteristisch ist die Produktion und Ablagerung von extrazellulärem, fibrillärem Material im Bereich der vorderen Augenkammer. Mit einem breiten Spektrum potenzieller Komplikationen ist die Relevanz sowohl für die konservative als auch die operative Ophthalmologie groß.
Pseudoexfoliation (PEX) syndrome is a common, worldwide occurring and age-related disorder characterised by the deposition of extracellular fibrillar material. It is a systemic disease with significant ocular manifestations, including cataract and glaucoma. All structures of the anterior segment are affected leading to multiple specific findings in slit lamp examination. The most prominent findings are white, dandruff like deposits on the anterior surface of the lens or the pupillary border of the iris. Furthermore, PEX syndrome is the most common identifiable cause of open angle glaucoma. PEX glaucoma generally takes a more rapidly progressive course than primary open angle glaucoma. Patients therefore typically need earlier surgical intervention. PEX syndrome is often accompanied by nuclear cataract formation. Cataract extraction tends to be complicated and remains a challenge. Several technique modifications and new devices help to reduce the complication rate. The purpose of this paper is to summarize information regarding ocular manifestations of PEX-syndrome to facilitate an early diagnosis and to present a general view of the treatment of PEX glaucoma.
Pseudoexfoliationssyndrom - Diagnostik - Pseudoexfoliationsglaukom - Katarakt - Epidemiologie
Key words
pseudoexfoliation syndrome - diagnostics - pseudoexfoliation glaucoma - cataract - epidemiology