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DOI: 10.1055/a-0831-2522
Endoscopic surveillance after surgical or endoscopic resection for colorectal cancer: European Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ESGE) and European Society of Digestive Oncology (ESDO) Guideline
05. Februar 2019 (online)

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Endoscopic surveillance after surgical or endoscopic resection for colorectal cancer: European Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ESGE) and European Society of Digestive Oncology (ESDO) GuidelineEndoscopy 2019; 51(03): C1-C1DOI: 10.1055/a-0854-5925
Main Recommendations
1 We recommend post-surgery endoscopic surveillance for CRC patients after intent-to-cure surgery and appropriate oncological treatment for both local and distant disease.
Strong recommendation, low quality evidence.
2 We recommend a high quality perioperative colonoscopy before surgery for CRC or within 6 months following surgery.
Strong recommendation, low quality evidence.
3 We recommend performing surveillance colonoscopy 1 year after CRC surgery.
Strong recommendation, moderate quality evidence.
4 We do not recommend an intensive endoscopic surveillance strategy, e. g. annual colonoscopy, because of a lack of proven benefit.
Strong recommendation, moderate quality evidence.
5 After the first surveillance colonoscopy following CRC surgery, we suggest the second colonoscopy should be performed 3 years later, and the third 5 years after the second. If additional high risk neoplastic lesions are detected, subsequent surveillance examinations at shorter intervals may be considered.
Weak recommendation, low quality evidence.
6 After the initial surveillance colonoscopy, we suggest halting post-surgery endoscopic surveillance at the age of 80 years, or earlier if life-expectancy is thought to be limited by comorbidities.
Weak recommendation, low quality evidence.
7 In patients with a low risk pT1 CRC treated by endoscopy with an R0 resection, we suggest the same endoscopic surveillance schedule as for any CRC.
Weak recommendation, low quality evidence.
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