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DOI: 10.1055/a-0895-5753
Types A and D Trichothecene Mycotoxins from the Fungus Myrothecium roridum
received 01. Oktober 2018
revised 25. März 2019
accepted 10. April 2019
26. April 2019 (online)

Chromatographic separation of extracts from the fungal biomass of a plant pathogenic fungus, Myrothecium roridum, yielded 8 trichothecene toxins including 6 type D trichothecenes (1–6) and 2 type A trichothecenes (7–8). 6′,12′-Epoxymyrotoxin A (1) and 7′-hydroxymytoxin B (2) were new macrocyclic trichothecenes, while the other trichothecenes were identified as myrotoxin B (3), myrotoxin D hydrate (4), 2′,3′-epoxymyrothecine A (5), miotoxin A (6), and 2 trichothecenes lacking the macrocyclic lactone system, roridin L-2 (7) and trichoverritone (8). The structures of these mycotoxins were characterized using spectroscopic methods. The absolute configurations of 1 and 2 were determined by NOESY and a comparison of their experimental and calculated ECD spectra. Most of these mycotoxins (1–4 and 6) exhibited highly potent antimalarial activity against Plasmodium falciparum. They also showed strong cytotoxicity towards KB and NCI-H187 cell lines (IC50 0.60 – 112.28 nM), as well as the Vero cell line (IC50 1.50 – 46.51 nM).
Key words
Myrothecium roridum - endophyte - trichothecenes - antimalarial activity - cytotoxicity - mycotoxin - TuberculariaceaeSupporting Information
- Supporting Information
HR-ESI-TOF-MS, 1D and 2D-NMR spectra, and ECD spectra of compounds 1 and 2 and dose-response curves for cytotoxic activity are available as Supporting Information.
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