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DOI: 10.1055/a-0955-9505
Development, Validation, and Application of HPLC Method for Quantification of Antihyperuricemic Compounds from Lippia nodiflora in Rat Plasma
Publication History
received 03 March 2019
revised 30 May 2019
accepted 06 June 2019
Publication Date:
05 July 2019 (online)

An HPLC method for simultaneous determination of arenarioside (1 ), verbascoside (2), 6-hydroxyluteolin (3), 6-hydroxyluteolin-7-O-glycoside (4), and nodifloretin (5) from Lippia nodiflora in rat plasma was developed and validated. The optimal chromatographic separation was achieved with a gradient mobile phase comprising 0.1% aqueous acetic acid and acetonitrile. The limit of detection was 78.1 ng/mL for 3 and 39.1 ng/mL for the other compounds (signal-to-noise ratio=3), whereas the limit of quantification was 312.5 ng/mL for 3 and 156.3 ng/mL for the other compounds (signal-to-noise ratio=12). The recovery values of compounds 1–5 ranged from 89.37–100.92%. Their accuracy values were between 96.48 and 105.81%, while their corresponding precision values were in the range of 0.75–9.06% for both intraday and inter-day analysis. The method was then applied in the first pharmacokinetic study of 1–5. Following intravenous administration, 1–5 were eliminated slowly from the body with a mean clearance value of 0.11, 0.13, 0.30, 0.09, and 0.23 L/kg h, respectively. Meanwhile, their peak plasma concentration upon oral administration was 8.97, 1.07, 1.06, 0.65, and 0.38 µg/mL, respectively. Compound 3 (5.97%) exhibited the highest absolute oral bioavailability value, followed by 1 (5.22%), 4 (3.13%), 2 (2.10%), and 5 (0.93%).
Key words
Lippia nodiflora - Verbenaceae - phenylethanoid glycosides - flavonoids - HPLC - pharmacokinetic-
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