Zeitschrift für Phytotherapie, Table of Contents Zeitschrift für Phytotherapie 2019; 40(06): 260-261DOI: 10.1055/a-0963-1603 Forschung Morinda citrifolia – Noni, Joo Bahn Thailändische Heilpflanzen im Kurzporträt Josef Burri 1 Langnau am Albis , Bernhard Uehleke 2 Berlin › Author Affiliations Recommend Article Abstract Buy Article Full Text References Literatur 1 Nandhasri P, Kuwar Pawa K, Kaewtubtim J. et al. Nutraceutical properties of Thai “Yor”, Morinda citrifolia and “Noni” juice extract. Songklanakarin J Sci Technol 2005; 27 (Suppl. 2): 579-586 2 West BJ, Deng S, Isami F. et al. The potential health benefits of noni juice: a review of human intervention studies. Foods 2018; 7 (04) . pii: E58. 3 Wang MY, Peng L, Weidenbacher-Hoper V. et al. Noni juice improves serum lipid profiles and other risk markers in cigarette smokers. Scientific World Journal 2012; 2012: 594657 4 Prapaitrakool S, Itharat A. Morinda citrifolia Linn. for prevention of postoperative nausea and vomiting. J Med Assoc Thai 2010; 93 (Suppl. 7): S204-209 5 Algenstaedt P, Stumpenhagen A, Westendorf J. The effect of Morinda citrifolia L. fruit juice on the blood sugar level and other serum parameters in patients with diabetes type 2. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2018; 2018: 3565427 6 Sattar FA, Ahmed F, Ahmed N. et al. A double-blind, randomized, clinical trial on the antileishmanial activity of a Morinda citrifolia (Noni) stem extract and its major constituents. Nat Prod Commun 2012; 7: 195-196