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DOI: 10.1055/a-0992-6904
Präventionsansätze zur Reduktion von Konsumrisiken in der Berliner Partyszene
Harm Reduction and Preventive Measures in Berlin’s Party ScenePublikationsverlauf
04. November 2019 (online)
Ziel der Studie Untersuchung des Konsumverhaltens der Berliner Partyszene und Identifizierung gewünschter Hilfsangebote zur Reduktion von Konsumrisiken.
Methoden Erfassung quantitativer (Fragebogen, N = 877) und qualitativer (Interviews, N = 20) Daten.
Ergebnisse Der Konsum von Substanzen war weit verbreitet (insbesondere Alkohol, Cannabis, Amphetamin, MDMA, Kokain, Ketamin) und mehrheitlich riskant. Als Hilfsangebote gewünscht wurden von den Befragten vor allem Beratungsangebote und Drug Checking.
Schlussfolgerung Ein Ausbau von Hilfsangeboten ist notwendig und innerhalb der Zielgruppe erwünscht.
Objective Substance use patterns and sociodemographic variables of Berlin’s party scene were investigated to derive preventive measures and harm reduction services, which meet the needs of the consumers.
Methods A questionnaire was used online and in the field among Berlin partygoers (N = 877) and structured interviews (N = 20) were conducted with professionals working in this area, including social workers, emergency medical service, police and club owners and users.
Results A risky consumption pattern was found in 67 % of participants, who also stated need for counseling and a wish for reduction of their substance use. Of all preventive measures, drug checking was requested most often. Substances with the highest prevalence were alcohol, cannabis, amphetamine, MDMA, cocaine and ketamine, whereas methamphetamine and new psychoactive substances were barely stated.
Conclusion There is an urgent need to expand current preventive measures. There is a willingness of the scene to use according services, especially by those who need it the most.
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